1. The leader craved for the power to redress the grievances of the citizens under the care. Choose the correct meaning for the underlined word from the options given below:
2. Select the correct question tag for the given sentence. Don't leave the fridge door open _______?
3. What is Euphemism?
4. Choose the correct Antonyms for the underlined word.
Endowed as you are with a unique personality.
5. Read the sentence to identity grammatical error. If there is any error. Mark the part A, B, C or D as the case may be.
Since you run fast you will not win the race
6. 'Democracy is for the people by the people and of people' Who said this?
7. 'The manager will cancel the meeting'.
Find the correct 'phrasal verb' to the above underlined word.
8. Find the odd one out
9. 'The reddest flower would look as pale as snow'
What is the figure of speech employed in this line?
10. Which will take place of fears when some one keeps trying in the poem 'keep on keeping on'?